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Sterilite 30 Gal. EZ Carry Plastic, Flat Gray/Sage Legume
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Sterilite 30 Gal. EZ Carry Plastic, Flat Gray/Sage Legume

Product ID: 460442449
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Make moving your storage easier, with Sterilite's innovative line of EZ Carry Storage Boxes and Totes! Unique through handles are designed to provide full grip access for comfortable lifting and carrying, as well as easier maneuvering through doorways, hallways, and up and down stairs. The 30 Gallon size is ideal for blankets, sleeping bags, seasonal clothing, sporting gear, and other bigger, bulkier items around the home. The opaque base neatly conceals contents, and the recessed lids allow same size storage boxes to stack neatly on top of each other to use vertical storage space efficiently. The 30 Gallon EZ Carry Tote shares the same lid as the 120 Quart EZ Carry Clear Storage Box, so the clear and opaque versions can be stacked interchangeably. The overall assembled dimensions of this item are 34" L x 20" W x 15" H. Sterilite Adult Plastic 30 Gal. EZ Carry Flat Gray/Sage Legume: Outside Dimensions: 34" x 20" x 15" The 30 Gallon size is ideal for blankets, sleeping bags, seasonal clothing, sporting gear, and other bigger, bulkier items around the home Single unit option Opaque base allows contents to be stored and concealed out of sight - Flat Gray/Sage Legume Interior Dimensions at bottom: 27 5/8" x 15 7/8" x 14 1/4" Carry through handles allow for full grip access and easier portability Ideal for a variety of household storage needs, with a wide range of sizes Deep recessed lid allows for secure stacking of multiple bases 17.5, 23.8, and 30 Gallon sizes available in both opaque and clear storage boxes BPA-free and phthalate-free

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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