Lakanto Golden Monk Fruit Sweetener - Zero Calorie, Keto Friendly, Zero Net Carbs, Zero Glycemic
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Lakanto Golden Monk Fruit Sweetener - Zero Calorie, Keto Friendly, Zero Net Carbs, Zero Glycemic

Product ID: 458036688
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Lakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener is the only zero calorie, zero glycemic sweetener that is just like sugar. Over a thousand years ago - In the remote mountain highlands of Asia, a group of Buddhist monks called the Louhan achieved enlightenment and ascension through meditation and pure living. The monks discovered a rare superfood prized for its sweetness and its ability to raise chi, or life energy. This sacred fruit was named monk fruit and was used for centuries to increase chi and well-being, earning it the nickname "The Immortals' Fruit." We still harvest monk fruit for Lakanto in the same pristine area according to traditional and environmental methods. #DiscoverYourChi Lakanto's mission is to bring chi to life by inspiring people to reach their highest potential in health and wellness and by creating products that are innovative, delicious, natural, nutritious, sugar-free, and healthy. For news, stories, recipes, and inspiration visit our website. Great for Cooking and Baking: Raw cane sugar substitute that's perfect for cookies, coffee, desserts, and other sweet, sugar-free treats. Tastes, bakes, and cooks like sugar. Great sugar alternative. Made with only monk fruit sweetener and erythritol. Lakanto' s Mission Statement: At Lakanto, our mission is to Bring Chi to Life by inspiring people to reach their highest potential in health and wellness by creating products that are innovative, delicious, natural, and nutritious. Try some of our tasty products today! Lifestyle Friendly: Works with ketogenic, diabetic, candida, paleo, vegan, low-sugar, non-GMO, and all-natural diets. Monk fruit sweetener may help with weight loss. Monk fruit contains natural sugars, mainly fructose and glucose. Add this perfect sweetner to help enhance your overall health and fitness. Modern day superfood. Sweet with No Guilt, Zero Glycemic Response: Contains zero net carbs, zero calories, and is zero-glycemic. Monk fruit sweetener is safe for most people and can help manage blood sugar levels. Great for everyone of all ages. Matches the Sweetness of Sugar: A healthy cup-for-cup alternative to raw cane sugar. Monk fruit contains zero calories and is about 250 times sweeter than sugar. It is also thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, due to the mogrosides in monk fruit.

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