Give your dog a hearty bowl of Purina ONE True Instinct High Protein Formula With Real Beef and Salmon adult dry dog food to ensure he gets 100 percent nutrition and 0 percent fillers, poultry by-product meal, or artificial flavors or preservatives at each meal. Every ingredient in this wholesome dog food recipe has a purpose including antioxidants for immune health. Our high protein dry dog food with salmon starts with real beef as number 1 ingredient. Every serving contains 32 percent protein to support muscle strength, including a healthy heart, and fuel your dog's energy levels. The crunchy dog food kibble and calcium in our skin and coat dog food support his strong teeth and healthy gums. Plus, natural sources of glucosamine for dogs help support joint health, and omega-6 fatty acids support his healthy skin and a radiant coat. Along with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients, Purina ONE natural dog food supplies the complete and balanced nutrition your adult dog needs to live a healthy and active life.,Purina ONE is produced in U.S. facilities where we take steps to make it good for your dog and good for the environment, like reducing water and using renewable electricity. When your dog has finished enjoying this food, please check your label for recycling guidance.
2 weeks ago
2 months ago