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FairfieldOly-Fun, Multi-Purpose Craft Fabric, Polypropylene Fabric for Sewing, Stenciling, Tying, and More, Craft Supplies, Sand, 10 Yard Bolt
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FairfieldOly-Fun, Multi-Purpose Craft Fabric, Polypropylene Fabric for Sewing, Stenciling, Tying, and More, Craft Supplies, Sand, 10 Yard Bolt

Product ID: 134772117
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Fairfield Oly-Fun, a versatile polypropylene craft fabric, is perfect for a wide range of creative projects, including holiday decor, costumes, kids' activities, and more. Ideal for DIY projects, it comes in a variety of colors and can be easily customized through sewing, gluing, stapling, writing, painting, embellishing, stenciling, stamping, and more. No fraying or hemming is needed when sewing. The non-woven fabric is water-resistant, suitable for die-cutting, and can be used indoors or outdoors. A great addition to your craft supplies, it's washable, ensuring the longevity of your handcrafted projects. Machine wash on a gentle cycle and air dry, then iron on a cool or low setting with a pressing cloth.Fairfield Oly-Fun is safe for use in your creative projects. The fabric, similar to the material used in surgical masks, can be used to make homemade masks; however, such masks are not a substitute for medical-grade masks. A one-ply sheet of Oly-Fun is 75 GSM, whereas commercially manufactured surgical masks are typically 3-ply, 25 GSM, with additional filtration added.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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