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Rockin' Rider Legacy Grow-with-Me Pony, Large
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Rockin' Rider Legacy Grow-with-Me Pony, Large

Product ID: 1142011
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Rockin' Rider Legacy Grow-with-Me Pony grows with your child from a bouncer (9m+) to a rocker (12m+) to a spring horse (24m+). He sings the exclusive "I'm a Little Pony" song when his right ear is pressed and says 6 fun talking phrases with sound effects when his left ear is pressed. Your child will be amazed by Legacy's synchronized moving mouth when he sings and talks. The soft and huggable plush is preferred by both Moms and Kids. Parents will appreciate that Legacy converts from rocker to spring horse in minutes without tools. The safety seat is safe for toddlers as young as 9 months and can be removed as your child grows. Additional features include motion-activated galloping sounds, 2-position stirrups, easy-grip handles, a detailed colorful saddle, embroidered eyes, and a sturdy plastic base. Parents can select the volume level that's right for their home. Some assembly required. Saddle height in bouncer and rocker mode is 15 inches. Saddle height in spring horse mode is 19 inches. Requires 3 AA batteries included. Legacy is recommended for ages 9 to 36 months and up to 50 lbs.

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago